
大学离社区卫生服务中心很近. In the event a student is ill or in need of medical advice, the student has the following options:

  • 打电话给他/她的私人医生办公室
  • 去 阿比林社区健康中心松树街1749号., 325-696-0600(距校园3分钟车程,M-F开口).
  • When you’re suffering from minor injuries or illnesses or need a COVID-19 test, 亨德里克急救中心的医务人员会照顾你的, 一周七天营业,有两个方便的地点. 无需预约. 跳过等候室,在网上办理登机手续. 可以进行虚拟访问. 何时去亨德里克急救中心就诊:
    • 耳朵或眼睛感染
    • 发热
    • 可能需要缝针的伤口
    • 可能是骨折或单纯骨折
    • 严重喉咙痛
    • 扭伤和拉伤
    • 呕吐和腹泻
      周一至周五,上午8点.m. – 8 p.m.
      周六-周日,上午8点.m. – 6 p.m.

  • When you need a prescription filled or have questions concerning your medication, 参观安布勒街的亨德里克药房, 就在校园对面的安伯勒和山胡桃的十字路口. 药剂师和认证技术人员提供及时, courteous service 和 answer questions you may have concerning your prescription. 亨德里克药房接受现金、个人支票和大多数信用卡. 大多数保险计划都被接受. 那里时可用. Hendrick Health pharmacy promotes excellence 和 Christian service to its customers of the Texas Midwest.
    星期一至星期五:上午8点.m. – 8 p.m.
    星期六和星期日:上午8点.m. – 6 p.m.
  • 去 我的急诊室24小时不间断  位于4438 S. 克拉克街,100室,325-704-4485. (8 a.m.-8 p.m.)
  • 去 Affordacare诊所, 4009 Ridgemont, 325-232-8830(周末不开放)或诊所@ 3101 S. 27th, 325-704-5037. (每周开放7天)
  • 去 Dr. J快递路1634号. 351, 325-676-1100. (每周开放7天)
  • 以防紧急情况:去 亨德里克创伤中心, 1900 Pine, 325-670-2151.

Residential students should notify the residence hall director if they need assistance contacting a health care provider.



It is important for students to have their health insurance card to facilitate any need for medical attention. For students who do not have insurance coverage 和 who wish it, some suggested websites include:


It is the policy of Hardin-Simmons大学 that our international student population has health insurance to provide for their healthcare needs. 另外, HSU wants to protect our students from compromising their financial status 和 their education. 因此, international students will be automatically enrolled into the HSU insurance plan via the Office for Global Engagement. The insurance fee will be added to the student’s account at the start of each enrolled semester.

关于国际保险政策的问题, 请联系全球参与办公室,电话: globalengagement@chengyishizhu.com.

Texas legislation m和ates that every new student 和 new transfer under the age of 22 to any Texas university, 无论住在校内还是校外, 将被要求有一个 脑膜炎疫苗接种 within the 5 years prior to the first class day 和 at least 10 days prior to the first class day. 除了, Hardin-Simmons大学 requires every new incoming student under 22 years of age provide proof of the meningitis vaccine prior to registering for classes. (A returning student following a break in enrollment of at least one fall or spring semester is also considered a new student.) 在此提交脑膜炎疫苗接种.


  1. The student is enrolled only in online or other distance education courses; or
  2. The student is enrolled in a continuing education course or program that is less than 360 contact hours, or continuing education corporate training; or
  3. The student is enrolled in a dual credit course which is taught at a public or private K-12 facility not located on a higher education institution campus; or
  4. 这名学生被关押在德克萨斯州的一所监狱里.

学生不需要提交收到奖学金的证据 脑膜炎疫苗 如果学生提交给HSU:

  1. An affidavit or certificate signed by a physician who is duly registered 和 licensed to practice medicine in the U.S., 这是医生的观点, the vaccine would be injurious to the health 和 well-being of the student; or
  2. An affidavit signed by the student stating that the student declines the vaccine for reasons of conscience, 包括宗教信仰.
    Students must use the official Texas Department of State 卫生服务 (DSHS) form. 可以通过电子方式订购. The form is then mailed from DSHS to the student, 和 it may take up to two weeks to receive it. 它必须填写,公证,并提交给 MedProctor 使用“宣誓书”选项. It is the student’s responsibility to complete the DSHS form 和 have it notarized. 你可以在这里索取表格.

The latter exemption does not apply during a disaster or public health emergency, 恐怖袭击, 敌对的军事或准军事行动, or extraordinary law enforcement emergency declared by a Texas Department of State 卫生服务 authority 和 is in effect for the location of the university the student attends. 德州法律规定,你的可接受证据 脑膜炎疫苗接种 必须包括:

  1. 学生的 名字 和 出生日期.
  2. 月、日、年 注射了疫苗.
  3. 签名或盖章 医生或其指定人员,或公共卫生人员; OR
  4. 由疫苗产生的官方免疫记录 state or local health authority (as from the Texas Public Health Department); OR
  5. An 官方记录 收到 学校官员,包括另一个州的记录.
  6. 这个学生必须已经收到了 疫苗或加强剂 在 前五年 第一天上课.

疫苗可以通过卫生部门获得, 一些药店, 也许还有一些私人医生. 18岁及以下, the student may qualify for the vaccine free with Patty Hanks Shelton School of Nursing in 阿比林. 拨打Alice Murphy电话325-671-2356询问资格.

重要的是,你要咨询你的医生是否需要 脑膜炎疫苗 预防细菌性脑膜炎.

This information is being provided to all new college students in the state of Texas. 细菌性脑膜炎是一种严重的脑膜炎, potentially deadly disease that can progress extremely fast- so take utmost caution. It is an inflammation of the membranes that surround the brain 和 spinal cord. 引起脑膜炎的细菌也会感染血液. 这种病侵袭我。,000 to 3,每年有1000名美国人, 包括大学校园里的100-125人, 每年导致5-15名大学生死亡. There is a treatment, but those who survive may develop severe health problems or disabilities.


  • 高烧
  • 皮肤上出现皮疹或紫色斑块
  • 感光性
  • 困惑和困倦
  • 嗜睡
  • 严重的头痛
  • 呕吐
  • 脖子僵硬
  • 恶心想吐
  • 癫痫发作

There may be a rash of tiny, red-purple spots caused by bleeding under the skin. 它们可以发生在身体的任何部位. 症状越多, 风险就越高, 因此,当这些症状出现时,请立即就医.


  • Diagnosis is made by a medical provider 和 is usually based on a combination of clinical symptoms 和 laboratory results from spinal fluid 和 blood tests.
  • 早期诊断和治疗可以大大提高康复的可能性.


这种疾病是通过人们交换唾液(比如接吻)传播的, 或者共用饮水容器, 餐具, 香烟, 牙刷, 等.)或接触呼吸道或喉部分泌物.


  • Exposure to saliva by sharing 香烟, water bottles, eating 餐具, food, kissing, 等.
  • Living in close conditions (such as sharing a room/suite in a dorm or group home).


  • 死亡(从完全健康到死亡的8到24小时内)
  • 永久性脑损伤
  • 肾功能衰竭
  • 学习障碍
  • 听力损失、失明
  • 肢体损伤(手指、脚趾、手臂、腿),需要截肢
  • 坏疽
  • 昏迷
  • 抽搐


  • Antibiotic treatment, if received early, can save lives 和 chances of recovery are increased. 然而,仍然可能发生永久性残疾或死亡.
  • Vaccinations are available 和 should be considered for those living in close quarters 和 college students 25 years old or younger.
  • Vaccinations are effective against 4 of the 5 most common bacterial types that cause 70% of the disease in the U.S. (但不能预防所有类型的脑膜炎).
  • 接种疫苗需要7- 10天才能生效.
  • 疫苗的费用各不相同,所以要向你的卫生保健提供者咨询.
  • 接种疫苗非常安全. Most common side effects are redness 和 minor pain at injection site for up to 2 days.
  • Vaccination is available at the Taylor County Health Department located at 850 North 6th Street, 阿比林, TX. 电话(325)692-5600.
